Our programs provide a safe, temporary home and support services for participants during their transition out of homelessness.
Living on the streets is tough – mentally, physically, and emotionally. To survive, those experiencing homelessness need access to basic services and safe spaces to be – both during the day and at night.
Through our shelters and Resource Center, we provide support to individuals at all stages of their journey from homelessness to permanent housing.
Emergency Shelters
A 60-bed emergency shelter open 24/7 for medically vulnerable men, women, and couples in NE Portland.
A 120-bed emergency shelter open 24/7 for women and couples in SE Portland.
A 90-bed emergency shelter open 24/7 for men, women, and couples in NW Portland.
An 72-bed emergency shelter open 24/7 for men, women, and couples in NE Portland.
A 120-bed emergency shelter open 24/7 for women and couples in SE Portland.
Short-Term Residential Programs
The Clark Center (SE Portland)
A 90-bed short-term, housing-focused residential program for men offering case management, life-and job-skills training, and support services. Dedicated beds are available to men involved in the Multnomah County community justice system. Abstinence from alcohol and drugs is expected of residents.
Doreen's Place (NW Portland)
A 90-bed short-term, housing-focused residential program for men. The program provides case management, life- and job-skills training, and connection to essential support services. Half of this facility's beds are dedicated to U.S. Military Veterans. Abstinence from alcohol and drugs is expected of residents.
Jean's Place (NE Portland)
A 60-bed short-term, housing-focused residential program for women offering case management, life-and job-skills training. Dedicated beds are available for women involved in the Multnomah County community justice system and U.S. Military Veterans. Abstinence from alcohol and drugs is expected of residents.