Volunteer Orientation

We are thrilled that you want to volunteer with Transition Projects!

The first step to becoming a volunteer at Transition Projects is to attend one of our Volunteer Orientations. At this information session, you will learn more about Transition Projects and our current volunteer needs.

Orientation consists of a 60-minute general orientation about our organization and volunteer roles, followed by an optional 30 minute session about our meal provider program for volunteers interested in providing meals at a shelter. Potential meal providers should plan on attending the full 90 minutes.

*Volunteer Eligibility: Volunteer applicants, whether for a temporary or recurring role, must not have received Transition Projects services (with the exception of mail) for the immediate 6 months prior to application. If you have questions about your eligibility to volunteer, please contact Kelsey Stark (volunteer@tprojects.org).

Upcoming Orientation Dates

Thank you for your interest in learning more about Transition Projects and the Volunteer Program. New dates for orientations:

  • Wednesday, April 9 at 6 p.m. VIRTUAL

  • Tuesday, April 29 at 6 p.m. VIRTUAL

Please fill out the form below with your interest.

Volunteer orientations are currently hosted virtually unless noted. Sign up below, and our Volunteer Program Manager will contact you in advance of the orientation with more information, and a link to join the meeting on your computer.

Register for a Volunteer Orientation Today!