Opportunities for Foundations
Make A Lasting Impact In Our Community
Foundations, family trusts, and community partners play a transformative role in our work each year. Our partners support participants at every stage of the housing journey.
Transition Projects envisions a just community where everyone can access a safe, affordable home. We hope you will join us in achieving this vision.
If you focus on any of the following, we are in alignment and would love to share more about our work!
Permanent Housing
Health and Wellness
Income Development
Nutrition and Food
Our priority populations:
Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
Members of the LGBTQIA2S+ Community
People living on low incomes
People experiencing homelessness
People at risk of homelessness
People living with disabilities
Ways to Get Involved
Schedule An Exploratory Call Or Tour
Want to learn more about our agency and explore alignment? We’d love to chat or show you around so you can see what we do.
Invite Us To Apply To Your Foundation
The vitality of our work depends on foundation funding. To invite us to apply for funding, please follow up via the form below.
Sponsor An Event
Transition Projects’ annual activities, like our IMPACT Gala, are successful due to our sponsors. Consider sponsoring a table or other packages promoting your brand at our events!
Inform Us Of An Upcoming Funding Opportunity
Do your foundation’s priorities align with our work, and do you have an upcoming funding opportunity? We’d love to hear about it!
Lunch & Learn
We would be thrilled to come to your office and share about the work we do and why we do it!
Promote Our Partnership
One of the best ways your organization can help promote our work is to tell our story! You can share about us via your newsletter, website, storefront, or in your community.