Community Fundraisers
Consider hosting a community fundraising event with your business, organization, school, or community group to benefit our work.
Why should I have a fundraiser for Transition Projects?
Transition Projects relies on local funding and donations to provide programs and services for individuals experiencing homelessness. When you host a fundraiser, you help us help the community in a meaningful way and connect your friends/family to their neighbors in need.
I want to organize a fundraiser for Transition Projects but I’m not sure what to do.
Here are some of the many ways that you can help raise funds and awareness for Transition Projects. This list is by no means exhaustive; let your creativity guide you!
Collect Donations: Set out collection canisters next to cash registers to encourage your customers to help you support Transition Projects.
Host a fundraiser: Host a Benefit Concert, have a bake sale, plan a carwash, or donate a percentage of a designated night’s profits.
Designate Transition Projects as the beneficiary for your event: If your business or organization hosts an annual event that generates funds, consider donating a portion of the proceeds.
I want to host a fundraiser, what should I do next?
Submit our Community Fundraising Event Form and a member of our team will reach out to you to confirm next steps.
Upon our approval of your proposed fundraiser, you will receive a Community Fundraising Event Agreement. After this agreement is signed by both our Development team, and you, the event planner, you are ready to start promoting your event!
Fill out our Community Fundraising Event Form and a member of our team will reach out to you!
What can Transition Projects do to help with my fundraiser?
We are limited in how we can help with your event. Below is a list of some of the things we offer:
Limited staff and/or volunteer support
Promotion through Transition Projects’ website and social media accounts
Informational materials, such as brochures about programs and services
A representative from Transition Projects to speak at your event
The Fine Print
The event sponsor is responsible for all details of the event including:
Underwriting of all related costs, including insurance
Printing of all materials
Creation of flyers/posters to publicize the event
Set-up/take-down/staff the event
Documentation and transfer of event proceeds
We're here to help! Reach out to events@tprojects.org or call 503.280.4741 to speak to a member of our team.

Each year we help 10,000 people access support and resources to end their homelessness.