Argyle Gardens
Argyle Gardens provides 72 units of deeply affordable housing
(LISAH - Low Income Single Adult Housing)
Argyle Gardens represents a step forward in the national effort to design, build, and maintain affordable housing. Located in Portland’s Kenton neighborhood, Argyle Gardens is the first modular housing project permitted by the City of Portland, and the second large-scale modular housing project in the city.
Because of its modular design, Argyle Gardens is a high-efficiency affordable housing model that can be more readily replicated and scaled up and down by other modular builders around the country.
Most importantly, our design, construction, and housing models all lend themselves to a deeply affordable housing project that can be operated in the long term while providing the lowest possible rents to tenants.
With Argyle Gardens, we scaled down the typical SRO (Single Room Occupancy) model to allow for smaller groups of residents to share kitchen and bathroom spaces and to create more opportunities for accountability and community building.
Oregon Housing and Community Services, U.S. Bancorp CDC, Umpqua Bank, Meyer Memorial Trust Metro, Wells Fargo, Home Forward, Veteran's Administration, Energy Trust of Oregon, Bonneville Environmental Foundation.
Are You Eligible For Permanent Supportive Housing?
If you currently reside in Multnomah County, are chronically homeless (more than one year), and suffer from a disabling condition, then you are eligible to be assessed by our Coordinated Housing Access Team.